Friday, January 23, 2009

Doin' the Twist

The rope-like, twisting growth habit on this apricot tree is unusual, so I’ve been told. These photos are of different branches, spaced out around the tree. The twisting is most obvious in the larger branches. This tree was grown from a seed, so the contortion may be a genetic aberration. So my question is: is this unusual or unique? Should I be contacting the plant patent office?


Aiyana said...

Very unusual for any tree limb I would think. One time I heard a botanical reference to this phenomenon as 'Eshelby Twist'. It has other scientifc meanings, so it's kind of hard to research when it has to do with botany.

jane said...

Thanks for your prompt and informative email today. Of course I wanted to visit your Art Garden.

Interesting twist on your tree. (I have no idea why--sorry.)

My comment is really for your Winter Color post, on what plants are contributing (beyond the grasses):

A little winter color is showing still in my persicaria 'dimity.'

The Euonymus 'emerald gaiety' is holding a nice dusty shade of rose, which I had not anticipated.

The bergenia, I think, looks better in winter than summer.

Last (perennial) man standing award goes to the orange-tan dried stalks of penstemon 'red rocks.'

Does the tanacetum densum even have a bad season? (I love this little character!)

Thanks for sharing your garden!

Jocelyn H. Chilvers said...

Aiyana, you are right; I haven't been able to find any botanical reference to 'Eshelby Twist', but I will keep my eyes and ears open and report back when I learn something specific.

Jane, thanks for sharing your "winter green" notes with us!