Monday, December 12, 2011

Solstice Countdown. . .10!

Those of us  who are avid gardeners and living in the Northern Hemisphere can't wait for the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. Then the days will begin to lengthen and we can look forward to the gardening season once again. Whoo-hoo!  This year the solstice occurs on December 22nd, and to celebrate I'm posting a photo-a-day countdown with some of my favorite photographs of 2011.  Enjoy!

Magnolia stellata


erin said...

I want these in my garden!

Jocelyn H. Chilvers said...

This is a large shrub/small tree that would probably do well in your back yard, Erin!

Alison Levey said...

Love Stellatas - one of my favourite shrubs - and the countdown for the solstice is on - every year I dread the short days more and more - nice to have something bright to give us hope.

Jocelyn H. Chilvers said...

Thanks, Alison - more to come!

Robert Webber said...

Actually I love the drama of these short days and wouldn't have it any different. Without dark there is no light! But I am still going to enjoy your pics. Always excellent!

Debbie said...

Jocelyn, I have a little star magnolia in my garden that I tend to forget about until it is in bloom...then it's unforgetable!

Jocelyn H. Chilvers said...

Debbie, the blooms are brief, but at such a welcome time!

Jocelyn H. Chilvers said...

Robert, I agree. The darkness forces us to hibernate a bit and rest. Can be quite cozy and restorative!