With this plant! Another facet of the CSU Trial Gardens is the display garden of Plant Select perennials (located near the white gazebo). One of my favorites is this 2008 introduction called Mongolian Bells, Clematis integrifolia 'Mongolian Bells', with blue, pink, and white flowers---all on the same plant. It blooms May through September, and has the added bonus of silvery, feathery seed heads.
I think this plant would be best suited to a raised planter or rock garden, something a bit closer to eye level, anyway, so the nodding flowers could be seen more easily.
I can't wait to try it in my garden, have you planted one yet?
Squeee! I love this too! Think it would grow at my house?
Ooops, looks like my link didn't work, so go here for more growing info...
But in a nutshell...no, I don't think it would work as your cool, coastal climate is soooooo different than that of Mongolia. It might be worth a try though, if you see other clematis growing successfully in your neighborhood. Sometimes it's all about the microclimate!
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