Monday, April 27, 2009

A Favorite Fritillaria

On a snowy day like today, it's great to look back at the blooms I photographed just a week ago.

Fritillaria meleagris, a spring flowering bulb of the lily family, 12-15" tall. Needs a moist, well drained soil rich in humus. Therefore, not a plant for my garden (these photos were taken at Denver Botanic Gardens)!

I love the checkerboard patterning on the petals--can you see it?


Людмила Кшнясева said...

Здравствуйте, Jocelyn!
У Вас прекрасный сад!
Мой муж также увлекается цветами. И рябчики (Fritillaria) и тюльпаны (tulips) - тоже одни из любимых цветов. Нам тоже нужно сделать foto!

Всего хорошего!

P.S. Я еще новичок в ведении блога. Вот мой первый опыт:

Людмила Кшнясева said...

правильно так:

Jocelyn H. Chilvers said...

Greetings, Luidmila!

Thanks for stopping by The Art Garden; flowers truly are a global language.

And, yes, I know that any photos that you can include in your new blog will be greatly appreciated by your readers.

Good luck with your blogging adventure, and happy gardening,