
Thursday, December 19, 2013

2013 Solstice Countdown . . . 2!

sea holly, Eryngium spp.
Those of us  who are avid gardeners living in the Northern Hemisphere can't wait for the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. Then the days will begin to lengthen and we can look forward to the gardening season once again. Whoo-hoo!  This year the solstice occurs on December 21st, and to celebrate I'm posting a photo-a-day countdown with some of my favorite photographs of 2013.  Enjoy!


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM MST

    Nice! I think you are one of the few who shows this plant, and it looks right up my alley.

    Forgot to mention on Zausch/Epilob...what bugs me most is some in NM changing the common name, apparently so California isn't in it. Like California is so bad, or it implies a cushy existence. Tho I never embraced it as my home in my 3 years there, still some common names are so bad, including using "hardy" as one...

    I'll look up this Eryngium!

  2. You captured the blue color of this plant in a lovely way. And I love the countdown to the solstice idea! I put a countdown on my blog but it's for the first day of spring -- so far away. Anyway, happy holidays! Here's to the coming growing season!

  3. David, there are a number of species of Eryngium that do well here in the Denver area, and some of them are quite drought tolerant. You should give them a try in El Paso!

    Karen, thanks for your note --- I do love the blues that this genus offers. Yep, March 20th is the next goal!


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