
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Media Madness

Whew, it's been a busy couple of weeks, but I wanted to share with you a couple of projects I've been involved with recently. Last weekend I represented the Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado on KMGH TV Denver's Channel 7 (ABC network affiliate).  The topic was "Improving Curb Appeal and Your Home's Value with Landscaping."  Here's the video clip:

I've also started writing for, an interactive web magazine that focuses on architecture and design.  My articles will feature gardening information and plants for the Rocky Mountain Region. Click on the Houzz button  — there on the right — anytime to follow along or see what's new. Here's my latest article, a profile of Chamaebatiara millefolium, fernbush.

fernbush at Kendrick Lake park in Lakewood, Colorado

To all of my friends in the scorched West: stay cool, stay safe, and may your gardens bring you peace.


  1. I would be out enjoying my garden if it weren't so smoky out there in the 100F weather. It's a really bad fire season this year.

  2. Yes, Susan, I'm afraid that this weekend Colorado has gone from bad to down right frightening. Sorry to hear that your region is in the same situation...

  3. You did a good job Jocelyn. I was on last week too speaking about perennials that can take summer heat and humidity. Fortunately the TV personality interviewing was also a gardener, so the inane questions I sometimes get were absent.

    Have you been boning up on your list of fire resistant plants and landscaping practices?

  4. Thanks, Les! I actually enjoy public/on camera speaking, so these TV bits are fun. I do them every year or two, and the ALCC does a great job of preparing everyone and providing all the photos so that we DO have a better chance of staying on topic (and avoiding those inane questions!).

    Wildfire mitigation via appropriate landscape management has been an important topic here for the past decade. Sadly, many people don't want to adapt/change the natural environment that they live in.

  5. hi!

    I enjoy your interview you did very well! In east of spain we have the same problem we need to design the irrigation system very well because we don´t have too much water.

    Best wishes!

  6. Thank you! Yes, I've heard that many regions of Spain are very similar to Colorado - mountains and plains.


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