
Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 4.06.2011

Magnolia sp. (perhaps Magnolia x loebneri 'Merrill?)


  1. Very nice! My father planted a M. soulangeana on the E lawn of our house in Aurora, and it always grew well, flowered every year, and in those rare Denver springs where it warms gradually, it flowered for weeks!

    I like the delicate flower of your species / variety.

  2. David, thanks for relating your story about magnolia success! There are some gorgeous, mature specimens of the pink flowering saucer magnolia - M.soulangeana - throughout the Denver area. They're real traffic stoppers.

  3. I think you have the real Magnolia stellata there: or possibly M. x loebneri 'Dr. Merrill': the latter is usually more treeform and can get massive. How tall was this one?

  4. This magnolia is fairly young - it was planted about three years ago - and is only about 5 feet tall. It definitely has a shrub form, so perhaps that clinches the ID as M. stellata...Thanks for the help, Mr. K!


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