
Monday, March 07, 2011

"Wormost" for Lazy Gardeners*

By now I think everyone knows the value of adding organic matter to their soil to improve its structure and provide nutrients for better plant growth. Gardeners can use their plant cuttings and kitchen waste to create their own compost or worm castings. Most compost and vermicomposting pros have lots of little rules and regulations designed to help you maximize your production but frankly, the Lazy Gardener* can't be bothered.

The Lazy Gardener* finds a protected location outdoors that has afternoon shade in the summer and warming sunshine in the winter. The Lazy Gardener* gathers 3-5 large plastic containers (these are 3' diameter nursery pots, but anything will do) and drills the bottoms and sides with holes for drainage and air circulation. The Lazy Gardener* fills the containers - keeping one container empty to use in the turning/harvesting process - with alternating layers of green garden/grass cuttings, kitchen waste, garden soil, a bit of water, dry organic matter (i.e. leaves from last fall and "clean up" waste from this spring, shredded paper, fine wood mulch, etc) and redworms (borrowed from the garden or purchased at the bait shop.) The Lazy Gardener* then stands back and lets Nature take its course, occasionally supplementing the containers' mixture of organics and water.

Eventually, even the Lazy Gardener* has to put a bit of muscle into the project in order to harvest and distribute the wonderful "wormost"**.
Jim made this "shuffle sieve" to fit my "baby sized" wheelbarrow
my precious pets
chunky stuff goes back into the containers, layered with fresh organics
ready to distribute in the garden
This method of creating an organic soil amendment is cheap and easy, and has the added satisfaction of knowing that less waste is bound for the landfill.
thank you, worms!

*Um, that would be me.
**a made-up term:  the result of cold composting supplemented with worms.


  1. Robert Webber12:42 AM MST

    Yippee I do this!
    Put garden waste in poly bags with holes and moisture and leave in lee of hedge.
    1 year later, hey presto!

  2. Yep, that's a great lazy solution too!

  3. Well I am even my garden rakings sit in forgotten buckets tucked here and there, buckets I've quickly hidden due to arrival of visitors...a year later, I've got something like leaf mold to spread around. Lazy can be good! :)


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