
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 1.12.2011

5" banana slug, Ariolimax columbianus, indigenous to the Pacific Northwest


  1. MarkNDenver11:12 AM MST

    Thankfully - we only have the brown/black type - being just 2-3" in length. I don't know how many more hostas would bite the dust with this monster in my garden...

  2. My wife made fun of me mercilessly last year when we stepped off the porch and, upon seeing the biggest slug I had ever seen, I had to run back inside for my camera. I can now tell her I am not the only one to stop and photograph the slimy little leaf munchers. Thank you for that.

    Love your blog, btw!

  3. Dave, perhaps the only good thing about slugs is that they are slow moving and, therefore, great subjects for photography!! Glad you're enjoying the blog. Thanks!


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