
Friday, November 05, 2010

Friday Afternoon Garden Club 11.05.2010

It’s FAC time in The Art Garden!  Grab your favorite beverage and pull up a chair.  You didn’t really want to work this afternoon anyway, did you?  Leave a comment to join the garden party.
Today’s topic:
 As the weather turns cold, most of us will be spending more time indoors reading about plants and gardens than doing any actual gardening.  My favorite garden reading right now is Gardens Illustrated magazine, from Great Britain. As an experienced gardener it's easy for me to discard the gardening/plant information that's not appropriate for my region, yet glean plenty of new ideas worth trying.  Mostly, I appreciate the magazine's focus on British and, especially, European design. The ideas seem fresh and different, yet readily adaptable to our plants and climate.
What is your favorite gardening magazine, and why? Do you depend on different magazines for different aspects of gardening, such as design, plant profiles, and gardening how-to?


  1. Debbie/GardenofPossibilities4:43 PM MDT

    Jocelyn, What a great question. I really enjoy Fine Gardening and Horticulture and a local magazine called Connecticut Gardener. I recently received a preview copy of a new book on private gardens in CT and found it very inspirational. It was so neat to see what other local gardeners/designers are doing and to peak into some of the gardens I've admired from a distance for years.

  2. I have subscriptions to Fine Gardening and Garden Design. At work I get copies of Virginia Gardener and a customer gives me her old copies of the RHS The Garden, which I drool over.

  3. Great magazines, all. I am fortunate to have a great public library system in my area, and often peruse FG, H, GD, and Sunset magazine during my library visits. I also look for the "special garden issues" of home magazines like Metropolitan Home, Martha Stewart Living, and House Beautiful, too.

  4. Anonymous3:40 AM MST

    I must agree that Gardens Illustrated is the best, even for us here in Sweden. They have such a width and span in their articles, in subject, scale and style. Its a huge inspiration for me. A nice Swedish magasine worth reading is "Trädgårdsliv", they have an interresting mellow culourscheame and good articles about gardens abroud as well as swedish compositions. look it up! Thanks for a nice blog!


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