
Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Afternoon Garden Club

It’s FAC time in The Art Garden! Grab your favorite beverage and pull up a chair. You didn’t really want to work this afternoon anyway, did you? Leave a comment to join the garden party.
Today’s topic:

Do you have zone envy? If you could grow plants from any climate/region of the world, where would it be? Why?

PS I'm updating the look of my blog with a wider text box and a new, subdued color palette. What do you think? I'd appreciate your feedback. Thanks!


  1. I would go anywhere that I could grow jasmine or gardenia! But here in Colorado, I am stuck with scented candles!

  2. Michelle, your point about fragrance in the garden is a good one. Scents can create/trigger powerful memories. I love sage, especially, and lavender too.

  3. I am envious of people who can grow all those tasty little echeverias, euphorbias, aloes and other succulent xeric plants. While I am in zone 8, our rainfall rots many such plants.

    I like your new look, but did not mind the old. I like simpler formats anyway. Many blogs have too much going on, making it hard to focus on the subject.

    BTW, my friend in Co. found out the name of the plant I had asked you about - Velvetleaf, Abutilon theophrasti. Apparently it has "weed" status:

  4. Hi Les, welcome back. I like the "hot zone" plants too, especially the agaves, but not the heat or humidity that go with them.

    Thanks for your feedback on the blog. I may continue to tweak it a bit, but will definitely maintain the minimalist design.

    Thanks for the info on the plant, too. I recognized the name immediately, but it is not a plant I see here in the urban corridor.

    Loved the photo of the snowdrops on your blog, BTW!


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