
Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Afternoon Garden Club

Denver Botanic Gardens

It’s FAC time in The Art Garden! Grab your favorite beverage and pull up a chair. You didn’t really want to work this afternoon anyway, did you? Leave a comment to join the garden party.

Today’s topic:

When you travel do you make it a point to visit public gardens, botanical gardens, arboretums or garden centers/nurseries? What/where are some of your favorites?


  1. Yes, yes and yes.

    I drag my tolerant family along but have gotten to know when they have had enough. I usually lay the ground work ahead of time telling them where I want to go, how long I'd like to stay and usually end the conversation by saying "this is important to me".

    On our Co. trip this summer we went to the Denver Bot. Garden and all of us had a good time, except my son who would rather have been doing anything else. We also used the great bike trails to visit Hudson Gardens. The biking was more fun than the gardens.

  2. Glad you enjoyed some of our local offerings, Les!

    I have great memories of a family visit to the botanical garden in Santa Barbara, CA. I remember it as being much more naturalized than most, and spread out over hilly terrain. That was about 18 years ago; I hope it is still in good condition.

    My family also spent an entire, wonderful day (and I have tons of great photos too!)visiting The Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew (in the greater London area). It's HUGE and has an amazing array of beautiful gardens.

    Thanks for joining the conversation today!

  3. I have a memory of going to the Gardens in San Antonio on a family vacation. My favorite part was the Japanese garden. Although I didn't understand it at the time, I was drawn to it and didn't want to leave.

  4. Hey, Michelle! I have visited Japanese and Chinese inspired gardens in Denver, Dallas/Ft Worth, Albuquerque, Portland, Seattle, and London. There is something (well, probably lots of things)about an Asian style garden that is very restful and soothing. I think that quality is very appealing when one is traveling, especially.

    Thanks for stopping by!

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  6. My first visit to a botanical gardens was in the early 60's in St. Louis - the Missouri Botanical Gardens. I can remember they had a huge geodesic dome filled with tropicals. Coming from a small town in eastern Kansas this was a real marvel at the time.
    Will be visiting Vancouver in late April and hope to get in as much garden visiting as possible. Any suggestions...

  7. Hi Mark, lucky you to visit Vancouver after all the Olympics hoopla is over! I have heard really good things about the arboretum/botanical gardens that are on the University of British Columbia campus. I have also heard that Buchart(sp?) Gardens is not to be missed...

  8. One of my favorites is the Mendocino
    Coast Botanical Gardens in northern CA. Just spectacular in July. In fact
    some of the gardens I've seen along
    the coast from So Cal to Wash state
    are spectacular.

    In the other direction I also recall
    Highland Park in Rochester NY from
    my childhood and their annual lilac
    festival. It only lasts about 2 weeks but it is an amazing park to
    visit when the lilacs are in bloom.
    Acres and acres of blooming lilacs.
    Just imagine the lilac gardens at DBG multiplied by about 100....

  9. Hi Mark, thanks for stopping by. Your comment reminded me that some day I'd love to see the Huntington Botanical Gardens in southern CA. I hear their collection of succulents and cacti is amazing.

    Boy, acres and acres of blooming lilacs sounds almost like too much of a good thing to me! Is there such a thing as death by fragrance?


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