
Monday, December 07, 2009


The bitter cold and snow we’re experiencing right now has me thinking about (and wishing for!) warmer days in the garden. Since gift giving time is right around the corner, I thought I’d offer up some ideas. You may have a loved one that would appreciate a gardening related offering, or you may see some ideas to add to your own wish list!

Today I’ll present a few ideas that you may be able to acquire on-line or with a quick phone call---no braving the cold necessary!

  1. A subscription to a magazine. A great gardening magazine is educational, inspirational and entertaining. There are many fine how-to publications out there such as Fine Gardening, Horticulture, and Organic Gardening that are chock-full of great information. Some regional home and garden magazines do a good job, too. I especially like Sunset for the western US. However, two of my favorite occasional splurges are Garden Design and Gardens Illustrated. Garden Design is pure eye-candy with lots of outdoor, and outdoor themed, living products and (mostly) estate type gardens featured. Gardens Illustrated is from Great Britain and is a refreshing and beautiful take on European style gardening. I love browsing the ads, reading the copy (often quite informative if not applicable to my region of the world), and drooling over the beautiful photos. Single copies of all of these magazines are available at larger newsstands, like Barns & Noble, and would make great stocking stuffers.

  1. A membership to a botanical garden or arboretum. Nothing beats the opportunity to see mature plants in a naturalized setting, something the garden center can’t always offer. These organizations often offer classes, docent tours, lectures, concerts, and volunteer opportunities as well. A membership is a gift that can be enjoyed all year, and keeps your gardener in touch with the seasons. Here’s the link to Denver Botanic Gardens.

  1. A membership to American Horticultural Society. This organization was never on my radar; like many things in the horticultural "establishment," it is located in the eastern US and I never thought it could have much relevance for me either personally or professionally. However, I decided to join up about two years ago and have been very pleased with the return on my $35.00 annual dues. Their website is fantastic, but I especially like their magazine. The articles cover all aspects of horticulture, including landscape design, and are well written and with enough detail (though not textbook-like snooze inducing) to make them a cut-above your grocery store variety publication. The most recent issue included “America’s Evergreen Hollies,” “Gardens for Recovery,” and a profile of American plantsman Allen Bush, among other things. As a landscape professional for nearly 30 years now, it was refreshing to find a new resource and a fresh perspective on gardening!

I hope this gift idea list gives you a few ideas to consider. More to come!

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