Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 9.14.2011


ScottHokunson said...

Beautiful photos and a great sequence, the first is stunning! I love how mother nature uses pattern and repetition so effortlessly.

Kari Lønning said...

In the close-up they could be anything. The color and patterns are wonderful!

Desert Dweller said...

Such beauty and color. And regularity in the pattern and look - I really do need to look at details more!

Jocelyn H. Chilvers said...

Thanks so much! I rarely see the details with the camera lens, but once the photo is enlarged and on the screen, the magic happens. Hurray for digital!

Deb said...

Makes me want to root around in my garden to see if I can find something as wonderful- course I'd have to have you come over and take the picture! Nicely done.

Creaciones Verdes said...

very nice photos of Mycena!!

Jocelyn H. Chilvers said...

Deb, I'd be happy to come and take photos of your garden anytime!

CV, thanks for the identification!