
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lotus Saga Continues

This is the seed pod that developed from the lotus flower. I wish you could see a larger photo---the subtle color shifts add interest and depth to the simple, graphic shape of the pod.


  1. Actually, it looks pretty darned amazing on my computer screen! Wonderful photo...thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh my! When I enlarged it, I was amazed at the wonderful shapes and details. The seeds look like little eyes.

  3. Allison and No Rain---glad you could get the most out of the photo! I was recently able to harvest some seeds from that now dry pod. I may try to plant them in a few different ways and see if I can grow a plant from seed...

  4. Love the grasses, and the mexican hat, Love agastache, I have tutti frutti...However I didn't know that agastache was also called hummingbird mint~~love learning something new! Also the Lotus seed pod is beautiful!! Enoyed your blog, and all the photo's!

  5. Anonymous3:15 PM MDT

    there's something incredibly disgusting about how those look.
    I feel queasy.


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